When we were in school our teachers taught us that the universe started with the big bang. As matter scattered throughout the black void of space it eventually started to slow down and cool, then the smallest organisms started to spawn from the primordial soup of life. Science says life on this planet started in the oceans and that microscopic life slowly grew into larger and larger life until the ocean was full of all sorts creatures.
Eventually the oceans became overcrowded, this created pressure for the animals and they started to move out of the ocean and onto the land. As animals crawled onto the land, they lived both in the water and on land until they slowly developed lungs over tens of thousands of years. All of the animals that left the ocean then spent thousands of more years evolving into all sorts of different species, as they spread across the lands and entered into new and different climates.
Then eventually from all of this evolving came man kind, the pinnacle of evolutionary achievement as far as we know it today. Our written records only go back till the time when man learned how to read and write, there are a lot of unanswered questions about man kinds past. As we try to piece the answers together we have been studying the drawings left on cave walls and the fossils we have found from people that lived a long time ago. We have slowly been able to piece together some of our evolutionary past, but it seems we are far from the answers that we were looking for.
The consensus so far has been that we evolved from apes in Africa, and as we moved from the trees to living on the land we also migrated out of Africa to other lands far beyond. In sciences opinion this is why there are so many differences between the humans we see on earth today, because as they moved they had to evolve so they could better survive in their new environments. The only problem so far is we haven't been able to find the fossils that actually prove we did evolve from apes, this is called the missing link.
We have researched DNA and have compared the evolutionary paths in the fossil records. As we have dissected human bodies and studied what all the pieces are, what they do and how all the pieces work together, it hasn't gotten us any closer to understanding how our bodies have gotten to this point. We can see how human bones have changed and how different societies had different beliefs and had different practices, but still we haven't been able to find our origins.
Now we know our body uses neurons which use neurotransmitters by sending them from one neuron to another, which then is turned into an electrical impulse which then turns into neurotransmitters until the reaction is eventually halted. This is how the brain talks to all of the organs and cells throughout the entire body, and that is how the entire body is able to be constantly regulated by the brain. This is a very mechanistic process that science can explain after all of the decades of research, and it works the same in all humans.
After understanding the way the brain controls the body, the next question to answer is what happens when you eat foods, since the body needs to be nourished. The foods you eat go into your stomach where they sit in the stomachs acids until they break down. Then they leave the stomach and go into your intestines where your gut bacteria eats and breaks down your food so your body can take the needed energy and nutrients from it. These nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream where your brain directs the release of the nutrients throughout the body.
Some of the energy gets stored as fat in different parts of the body and some of the nutrients get used by certain muscles and organs to create certain hormones. Cells and tissues are created and repaired based on the bodies needs and what ever isn`t needed by the body is excreted as waste in numerous ways. This is why what you eat is so important, if you arent eating the proper foods in the proper quantities then your body doesn't have the proper building blocks to keep your body healthy and strong.
The body will always try to find ways to make the proteins or hormones it needs even if it doesn't have the proper ingredients but these are far inferior to what they could be and dramatically work differently inside the body.
We know that the brain is in communication with the body at all times, otherwise your heart would stop beating, your lungs would stop breathing and you would die. Its the brains job to maintain the body the best that it can with the ingredients that it is given. That is the job of your subconscious brain so that you don't need to consciously think about it, it just happens automatically. From digestion to breathing to the regulation of all of your organs and protein production, even the beating of your heart which distributes all of the necessary oxygen and nutrients to the entire body.
Whenever you feel a pain somewhere in or on your body, that is the brain and body talking to each other. Them communicating together makes it possible for the brain to tell you to consciously pay attention because it might be something important. In fact science was so interested to find out how this happens so quickly, that they have spent tons of time and money testing this response.
Logically you would come to the conclusion that this process of the body sending its chemical and electrical message to the brain would take a defined amount of time. So while they had peoples brain's open for various type's of brain surgeries, they tested this hypothesis. With the patient still conscious, they would hook up electrodes to the brain. Then they would stimulate various parts of the persons body, to see when the brain would sense the stimulus and when the person actually felt the stimulus. They found out that the person felt the stimulus instantly, which is the complete opposite of what you would expect.
Then they decide to stimulate the brain directly and see how long it would take for the person to feel the stimulus. They found that stimulating the brain directly took a certain amount of time before the patient even felt the stimulus. They were puzzled as to how this would be possible, and came to the conclusion that the brain was sending a message through time to the body so that the body would react to the stimulus at the exact moment that the stimulus happened. This way the body reacts before you consciously even know what is happening. How many times have you burnt yourself and immediately pulled your hand away as an automatic reaction, and then felt the pain a little while later? They still have no idea how the brain does this but we all have our own verifiable proof from life that this is actually happening.
Everyone knows that exercise is good for your bodies health. It has been long debated what kind and types of exercises are the best for the longevity of the human body, and the answer may never be as clear cut as everyone has hoped. Even though science can tell us that 99% of our bodies chemistry consists of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, and about 0.85% of our bodies consisting of potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. It doesn't mean we are all exactly the same because if any of those portions are off just slightly from the next it is going to change the needs of that body sometimes in drastic ways.
This is why when you go to get yourself setup on a workout schedule at your local gym they now offer individual programs to suite your bodies needs and your personal goals. This is why that even though science wants too and in a lot of ways almost has to fit us all in a box, it is no longer meaningful to allow it to do so. They really cant help but try though because science is a very formulaic procedure, and it has to be able to get the consistent and accurate results that we need so we can understand the world around us.
It's almost now that after all that science has done for us when it comes to understanding the world around us, that it has now out lived its existence and no longer is able to serve us like it did in the past. This is because science is now running into questions that it seems it can no longer answer no matter how hard it tries.
So what is the most ideal way to get your body into shape? It seems that the answer would all depend on what your over all goals are and what you are wanting to accomplish. Some people are just wanting to maintain, others may be wanting to bulk up and others are wanting to slim down. So if your wanting to bulk up and put on weight then carbohydrates can do that quickly because they have a lot of energy for your body to use almost immediately. There are other types of foods that take longer to break down and don't have as much of an instant energy load for your body to use. At the end of the day whether you are going to put on weight or take off weight it all seems to depend on how much energy you consume and how much you use throughout the day, no matter what diet you choose.
We were all told while growing up to eat our vegetables, this is because they have all sorts of vitamins that our body needs. What vitamins and how much of each vitamin are our bodies actually needing? How do we know how much of the vitamins our body is actually absorbing? What foods do we need to eat to get those vitamins and in what quantities?
Vitamin C has a very important role to play in our bodies health and there are a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C, but you still probably need to take a supplement because according to studies most of us don't get our recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Your body can't produce vitamin C on it's own and since vitamin C is water soluble the excess of it is removed from the system during urination. About the only risks of vitamin C is not getting enough or taking it with your B vitamins , vitamin C might hinder the absorption of niacin. There are many fruits and vegetable's that contain vitamin C like oranges, grapefruit, raspberries, kiwi, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, peppers and cauliflower. This is the biggest reason why we should eat these foods everyday, and we also benefit from these foods because they increase our fibre intake.
Fibre is important to our health because it turns into a thick mushy substance in our intestines and slows the digestive tract so that your gut bacteria has more time to remove the essential vitamins and nutrients from the foods you eat. Fibre also helps to clean your intestinal walls by pushing out old rotten food that might be stuck on the lining of your intestines. As well eating fruits and vegetables increases your bodies good gut bacteria cultures by supplying new bacteria on a regular basis.
Another vitamin you might want to take is glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, they can be purchased as a combined product and both work together to repair and reduce the break down of cartilage. It is made in the body naturally so no one has reported side effects of taking to much of it thus far, but it might not be necessary to use everyday unless you are an athlete. There has been studies on athletes that say after taking it regularly, athletes have a proven increase of about 25% more cartilage then the control group. That was also a larger increase then the placebo group.
Sometimes a person might need to supplement with calcium if they don't consume dairy products. Even though dairy provides it abundantly, there are only a few ways to get it as a vegetarian. Broccoli, beans and soybeans might provide all the calcium that you might need, but if you don't eat any of these foods then you will probably need to take a calcium supplement. If you are having to take calcium supplements you are going to want to take magnesium and vitamin D also, because vitamin D helps absorb both calcium and magnesium. If you are taking 1000mg of calcium then you should be taking 500mg of magnesium, as doctors recommend taking them in a 2:1 ratio.
It's no wonder there is so much confusion around what we should eat and how much of it we should eat, because each of our bodies are very similar but the slight differences in all of our makeups change how each of our bodies digest and how much each absorbs. Its no wonder there are so many opinions on this subject, and science doesn't have the time or money to study every single individual to find out what actually is best for each of us. This is why we generalize the science into groups, which gives each of us a general idea of where we fit. This works to a certain degree but is far from perfect.
We know that the brain is broken into two parts that we know as the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Science has figured out over years of studies that not only does each hemisphere look like it is partially separate but that each side actually has slightly different characteristics, why would this be?
Each side is made up of the same type of material and each side can communicate with the other side, but yet they can see that if you are right hand dominant that when they watch your brain with a CAT scan, they can see that your brain activity is slightly different on either side of your brain. Then they also started noticing similar aspects of what people think and how they think depending on the dominance of there hands.
The big question then is how does your mind determine what hand is dominant, or does your dominance determine how you think? Well apparently you can train yourself to use both your hands, and people can change overtime from one hand to the other, so I guess we know then that we are what determines which hand is the dominant hand. This then means that we are the ones that determine which side of our brain is our dominant side, and if this is the case then do we even need to have a dominant side of the brain or can we all just decide to use both sides of our brains equally?
Science has told us that the brain has evolved in 3 distinct stages over our evolution. The 3 stages are known as the triune brain and consisted of the reptilian brain, the paleomammalian brain and the neomammalian brain. We also found out that there is actually two separate but associated parts to our brain called the conscious and the subconscious brain. The subconscious brain is a part of the paleomammalian complex (limbic system), and the conscious brain is located in the neomammalian brain (neocortex).
Now the strange part is that the limbic system is a very small part of your brain but controls about 90% of your bodies functions. In contrast the neocortex is about 75% of the brains volume but only seems to control about 10% of the bodies functions. So why does conscious thinking need so much of the brain to be able to function? Well since it is the newest part of the brain and isn't as advanced in a lot of ways. You can think of it like the old computers that used to take up whole buildings, all that computing power needs room to be able to do all of the computing necessary. Once the brain gets used to making those calculations over time maybe it will figure out ways to do the same job with less matter, so maybe over evolutionary cycles our neocortex might just start to shrink also.
While the limbic brain is a much older part of the brain, it has had a very long time to get used to using its confined space very efficiently and has probably been able to shrink to make more room for the new neocortex. When we are awake and conscious during the day we are using our newer and larger neocortex to filter our lives so we can make sense about the world around us. Even though this is the part of the brain we use the most while we are thinking logically during our days, that doesn't mean that we have to just be locked into just that one part of the brain and its thinking. We have a choice to either stay in the neocortex completely or to move some or all of our awareness more into the limbic part of the brain, which contains our subconscious brain. You aren't required to move your awareness into the subconscious mind for it to work, but if you are wanting to change your subconscious programs, then this is a proven way to do it.
Science has been finding our body is surrounded by energy forces that we never expected, these energies have for centuries been known as our aurora. We can now scientifically prove that this energy is like a toroid that is centered on our spinal alignment. Ancient teachings must be right about the chakras because a toroid is formed around potential energy objects, such as a magnet and our own earths electromagnetic field that surrounds and protects our planet. Just like our planet is protected, maybe this field of energy is meant to protect us and our bodies?
Have you ever been standing beside someone and could sense some bad vibes? Or have you ever been close to another person and needed to move away because you felt they were intruding on your personal space? Well this is your aurora at work protecting you from the unseen energies around you. You all have heard about radio waves, microwaves, radiation always being around us everyday. I'm sure our aura protects us from some of these unseen threats throughout a day as well.
How do our chakras emit energy from their core to surround our entire bodies? I don't think anyone truly knows how it works but since the spine is the center alignment point of our bodies, just like the earths core is the source of the earths magnetosphere. Our central point of energy located at the spine must have a similar effect from the swirling energies just like the earth has the swirling magma at its core. This would create a toroid in the opposite direction of the swirling energies which would encompass it from the top through to the bottom of the energy center. Any disruptions in the swirling energies at any of the chakra points would lead to a weakened field around the body.
Does the old adage if you don't use it, you lose it apply to the brain? Seems like science is now saying its true, but it doesn't mean that you can't change things around if you choose too. Science has done a flurry of studies to see if we can permanently change the brains functioning by making different life choices, and just like exercise is proven to help your body, the decisions you make can have positive or negative effects on your brain as well.
If you engage your brain in activities that take prolonged periods of concentration like reading, meditation/prayer, playing memory games, knitting or crocheting, you will improve your cognitive abilities over a prolonged period of time. Physical exercise also helps your brain by increasing blood flow to your entire body, which in turn provides extra blood flow to your brain.
In the video linked to this sections picture you will see with brain scan photos of how we can improve our brains functioning permanently .
Everywhere you hear about Omega-3 fatty acids, but the brain really needs amino acids too, because the human body can't produce them on its own. These essential amino acids are needed for the production of neurotransmitters, collagen and elastin. Acids such as Methionine are good for detoxification and increasing absorption of zinc and selenium (which is needed by all animals on this planet and you can find in brazil nuts). Lysine is another important acid needed for protein synthesis and hormone/enzyme production, it also helps with calcium absorption. Histidine is needed for sexual function, to help your body maintain your sleep cycles and for production of the myelin sheath that surrounds and protects nerve cells.
The best sources for these amino fatty acids are fish, seafood, flaxseed, canola and soybeans. Good sources for amino acids are red meat, poultry, quinoa, buckwheat and different nuts and beans. These acids are in fact so important to your brains function that even if you eat a lot of these types of foods, you still might want to take a supplement. If you are a vegetarian then you should really look into a flaxseed oil supplement. I have recommended the one that I like the best for its price in my blog section on the "Home" page.
You should take at least one supplement per day if you are eating foods that contain fatty and amino acids, if you're not eating meat at all then you will probably need to take 2 or more pills per day. Consult your doctor if you are unsure about the amount you should be taking as the recommended daily dose seems to be anywhere from 500mg/day to 1000mg/day. The recommended amount of amino acids needed ranges from 15mg-50mg per 1 kg of body weight, depending on which amino acid you are talking about. This is why it is better to take the flaxseed supplements and also eat other sources such as hemp oil, as there are so many essential amino acids needed it is hard to get all of them from just one plant based source.
Vitamin E is a good antioxidant, antioxidant's help fight free radicals by giving them an electron which stabilizes them so they don't steal electrons from your cells. Free radicals are created in our environment and in our bodies through various chemical processes. A good plan would be to take hemp seed oil and/or flaxseed oil for lunch and dinner with a high fat food. Fatty foods help the absorption of Vitamin E because it is a fat soluble vitamin. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in fat cells for times of lack, so missing the odd day is not a big deal as long as you have been taking it regularly. Just be careful you don't have to many carbs or sugars with your high fat meals.
B vitamins are also necessary for the functioning of your brain, in fact they are water soluble so your body can't store them for later use. This means any excess B vitamins in your body will be flushed out while urinating, so it is important you get them on a daily basis either in your foods or as a supplement. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for amino acid metabolism and can be found in poultry, grass fed beef and tuna. Good vegetarian sources are pistachio, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chickpeas and pinto beans.
Vitamin B7 (biotin) is needed in the metabolism of fatty acids and can be found in meats, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli and sweet potatoes. Vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and B5 (pantothenic acid) are needed for the metabolism of vitamins and enzymes. So if you are taking other supplements and aren't getting these B vitamins in your diet your probably not getting much benefit from those supplement's. The best foods that contain these three B vitamins are meats, eggs, avocados, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and lentils.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is needed in conjunction with vitamin B12 for the synthesis of DNA, if one of them is missing then the use of the other is minimized. This is why it is important to pick the proper B vitamin supplement because most of them have an increased amount of B12 and a decreased amount of B9, this means the extra B12 that was added is just being wasted. B9 can be found in liver and vegetarian sources are spinach, black eyed peas and avocado's.
Vitamin B12 is also important in the metabolism of amino and fatty acids which makes it probably the most important of the B vitamins. It can be found in red meats and fish, so if you are a vegetarian you will probably need to take B12 supplements. Feel free to take your vitamin B's with breakfast or lunch as they are water soluble and don't need to be combined with a fatty meal. You can find Vitamin B50 pills that are vegan friendly but you will need to look closely as they are sometimes harder to find with the right levels of B vitamins.
I recommended a Webbers B50 supplement on this sections home page under the section "A Better Brain", as my best choice of vitamin B based its value and proper proportions of B vitamins but it isn't vegan friendly. They do have a similar B50 supplement that I feel isn't as good, but it is vegan friendly. I can direct you to it if that is something you are interested in getting. I also have some other options for you that you might like even better but they are more costly. You can send me an email in the "Contact Us" section with any questions.
Vitamin D is actually a hormone not a vitamin, but it is also needed for brain function as it facilitates the use of calcium and magnesium in all of the body. Magnesium is needed by the brain to regulate neurotransmitters and also helps calcium build stronger and healthier bones. Most people get enough calcium in their diets but the same can't be said about magnesium unless you are eating avocados, spinach, turnip greens, cashews, brazil nuts, legumes, bananas, dark chocolate or flaxseed oil.
If you don't eat these foods everyday then you should be supplementing with magnesium. In fact brazil nuts also have selenium which protects the body from free radicals, and helps regulate the thyroid gland. It is recommended that everyone take 2 brazil nuts per day during lunch with vitamin D for better brain health. You can also get vitamin D naturally from sunlight in the summer months, but in the northern hemisphere it is recommended that everyone takes a vitamin D supplement.
How is the mind and the brain two different things? Well the brain is the grey matter that is in our heads, and the mind is the aspect that we use everyday that is consciously aware. The mind is what separates us from the animals around us, most animals on this planet use only the limbic and reptilian parts of their brains responsible for the fight or flight response. Humans have a mind which gives us a higher awareness and a larger sense of self, because of this we affect our surroundings in a much larger way then most animals. We also have higher awareness for things like common sense, art, law and music because of our minds awareness.
Even though all of ours bodies chemistries are very similar, we are all very different in our shapes and sizes and colors but our biggest difference is our minds. None of us think the same, and that is why there are so many ideas and different ways to think about any given subject. This is the reason why we will never see everyone agree on anything, and why it seems so hard to change someone else's opinion to match your own no matter how much evidence you provide in the moment.
This is also why you will sometimes notice that later on that person has now found a way to justify a change in their beliefs to match your beliefs, but thinks that they were the only one that influenced that change in belief. It's because to a certain degree they are right, they were the only one that decided to finally look deeper into the subject because of your suggestion. They also were the one that found a way to justify the change in their own mind after they found the evidence that in their mind, warranted the change in their own perception. It`s a funny and frustrating thing that leads to you not getting any credit for being the reason that they looked into changing their own mind in the first place.
Since you are the only one in the end that can change your own mind, it is very important that you keep an open mind towards all topics and do your own studying into things that interest you. This way everything that you decide to believe in is complete and accurate, which means you will have a complete understanding of your own beliefs. There are times people decide to take the easy way out and adopt someone else's beliefs without doing the studying themselves. Usually for this to happen though that person needs to already see you as an authority figure or they are just using something you said to support there side of an argument just to try and win, not caring if it is true or not.
Our mind and how it works is very mysterious to science. The brain is at least something tangible that you can touch and see, but science hasn't found a way to make the mind tangible enough to test. Science has been doing a lot of studies with random number generators, energy field testing equipment and brain wave sensing devices, these can all test and make the intangible more tangible so science can work with it. There is still large debates in science about what all the tests mean and even if it proves anything at all or is just coincidence.
After all of these studies science has pointed us to the fact that the mind creates a field of energy that is so tangible, that electronic instruments can read it. After all of the random number generator tests, science is proving that the mind can have effects on the physical through this field of energy. So if the mind can affect something from a distance with its energy field, then it should be able to affect something that is always in its field like your body.
Dr. Joe Dispenza after being on WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW, started to offer meditation sessions to people who were wanting to change there lives with the concepts taught on the movie. So after he offered these classes for a while he started to run tests during these classes. His findings have been pretty amazing and he talks about it in his book BECOMING SUPERNATURAL, which I have posted a link to on this sections home page in the FIND OUT MORE tab.
According to his findings you can tangibly change the bodies energies using your mind through well practiced and consistent meditation. The bible talks about the power of prayer and we can now prove it using our own technologies. There is no difference between prayer and meditation, when done properly they both elicit the same results. All of the greatest spiritual teachers that have ever walked on earth, have all talked about the power of meditation or prayer. So if you ultimately want to change your life then according to the new scientific findings all you have to do is ask. The discipline you learn during the asking helps you make the necessary changes to yourself so that the change you desire comes to you.
Our brain is like a computer, its circuit boards are called neurons which send electrical impulses through the brain much like a computers mother board. Just like a computer needs software to access it's hardware so does the human brain need software to be able to access our bodies hardware. Our conscious brain is similar to the captain on a ship and the crew on the ship is likened to the subconscious mind/computer software, the ship itself is the hardware or our body.
So as the captain gives the orders the crew follows those orders to the best of their abilities based on what they have been programmed to do, and the ship just responds to the crews inputs. If the crew needs to be retrained in a new procedure because the captain thinks it will increase productivity, then the captain is responsible to retrain the crew in the new procedures he is wanting. Just like your crew, the captain needs to tell the subconscious mind repeatedly what changes are needing to be made and how to make those changes. Eventually the crew will remember the changes and will be able to implement the new procedures without fail, but it does take time and repeated instruction. The subconscious mind doesn't care what you tell it, it just follows your instructions the best it can.
If you are not careful, the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed by outside influences. In fact governments and corporations have spent billions of dollars studying the effects that repeated messages have on the subconscious mind, and how they influence human behavior. This interest has sparked mind control studies to make a more perfect warrior, studies on how to more directly advertise to your subconscious mind so it can be reprogrammed without the captains awareness. This is why we have been hearing for decades now that watching tv is bad for you, and is why companies spend so much money on advertising now.
It isn't science fiction and has been real for a long time now, governments have been studying this since the 1950's and 1960's. If they are willing to spend billions of your dollars on research to find out if it is effective or not, then don't you think you should be interested in knowing if it is possible also? Especially if they are using this information on you and your children unknowingly?
The start of fixing all of the damage that others or yourself have inflicted on your subconscious mind is to meditate and tell your mind what it is that you truly want. You need to stop letting your mind wander and become aware of what is going on inside your mind. Once you become aware of your daily thought's then you can stop those thoughts and put in your new and improved thought's. This is why brain washing is so effective because to get out of it a person needs to spend a lot of time and energy into removing those programs, and most people these days feel they don't have time for that.
When you focus on the moment and tune out your conscious mind, your mind becomes quieter which makes it easier to concentrate in life. There are a lot of disciplines that help accomplish this, its just a matter of picking which one you like the best and doing it on a regular basis. Yoga and tai chi are both good examples of how to engage your mind and body simultaneously. They ask you to focus on the body movements which means clearing your mind of thoughts from your past, and not thinking about what you need to do in the future. They want you to focus on the present moment and be one with the movement's of your body.
This is the same thing that meditation is asking you to do, which is why a lot of starting meditations have you focusing on your breathing or on your heart beat. Once your mind is in the present moment then you are able to hear your thoughts as they enter your mind. Think about it this way, most peoples minds have so much going on in any given moment that their thoughts are like a loud waterfall. When standing at the base of a waterfall a lot of times you have to yell just to talk to the person next to you, so because it is so loud and there are so many thought's there is no way for you to catch any given thought. What being in the moment does is it slowly helps you choke out and dam up all of those thoughts before they go down the waterfall, so over time they are coming at you at a more manageable pace.
Now that the noise at the bottom of the waterfall is getting quieter, you are more easily able to think and grab those thoughts. Now that you can see every thought more easily you can let the current thought go by if it doesn't suite you or you can grab it from the waterfall and ponder on it. As you get better at it your subconscious mind actually sends these thought's less frequently so you are then better able to hear your inner guidance and create your own thoughts.
Every thought you give power and emotion to creates ripples through your mind by creating pathways with your neurons, the more you focus on that thought the more that pathway is strengthened. Overtime old pathways slowly break apart on their own and are sometimes taken over by new habits of thought. The more you think about what you do want the more you strengthen those pathways and the more likely it is to become a habitual thought of your subconscious mind.
Just how your thoughts create pathways in your mind, your feelings also create ripples out from your body into the universe. All of us have heard that if you jump into a spaceship and head out in any direction away from earth at the speed of light, the further away from earth you get the older the radio signals will get. This is because radio signals travel slower then the speed of light, and even though you can't see them, the earth has been sending these signals into the universe for a very long time. This is the same thing that happens with our feelings, this effect can actually be tested and proven in scientific laboratories using current technology.
In actuality then if you had the right technology you could in essence either read a persons feelings now or you could travel from the earth at the speed of light and get everyone's past feelings. Have you ever stood close to someone and just knew that they were angry? This is an example of the power of our feelings that everyone has experienced at some point in time. It's almost like our bodies have an actual antenna that can experience these slight changes in energy from other people. Just like some people's antennas are more sensitive then others, some people's emotions have a larger influence on the world around us then others. This is how we all influence our current realities around us with our feelings in every present moment.
Selenium is essential for all animals on earth, as well as magnesium. None of us seem to get enough of either one so taking a supplement or making sure you eat foods containing both is important.
Broccoli is basically one of the best superfoods you can eat every day. Spinach is also an amazing food and brazil nuts are so easy to take everyday.
Your thoughts carry powerful messages, but if they are not carrying the same messages everyday then they wont be as effective.
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