Vibration is how matter interacts with itself, from how you see to how you hear. If it wasn't for vibrations, we wouldn't experience anything. Science is now learning incredible things about sounds and their vibrations.
Water is needed to sustain life as we know it on this planet. It has fascinated science for decades because of its unusual properties. Just as we thought we knew all we could about water, it has a new surprise for us.
Water has many different properties and just when you thought we know everything about water, science finds more for us to study. Waters reaction to light has some strange affects and since our bodies are mostly water this should mean a lot to us.
Negative ions are said to be good for us and it is said that they can clean our environment around us. Is this why we feel more energized when we are in nature and around areas like waterfalls
We learn more about our bodies and how antioxidants effect our bodies all the time. This is because science works none stop to find out how different foods change during our digestive process.
The Keto diet has become very popular lately. Is it just another fad or is it here to stay? It looks to me like it has staying power since gluten intolerance has become such a problem in today's society.
Did you know that our skull creates a vacuum in our brain that can lead to reduced blood flow in the brain? Ancient peoples knew this so they remedied the problem with surgery, and people swear by it today.
Vibrations are all around us every single day, whether we can see them or not. We are told that we can see because light hits an object and bounces off that object towards our eyes, and when the light hits the retina in our eyes it turns the light waves into chemical information where it gets sent to the brain. You learned in science class that light travels in waves, and that light has different wave lengths that travel in it called colors. We can separate each wave length of color from light, using a simple prism.
You were also taught in school that sound frequencies travel through the air to your ears, and once they enter your ears they vibrate your ear drums. This vibration in your ear drums is turned into a chemical signal by your ears and sent to your brain. You were also taught that different sound frequencies travel at different speeds through the air, and they travel different distances depending on there frequency.
All of us have heard about radiation, infrared lights, x-rays, radio waves and microwaves. All of these types of energies are different ways that light waves influence our lives. I talked earlier about how light carries the visual color spectrum and how that's only the light waves that we can see. All of these light waves carry some sort of radiation, and the amount of radiation they carry varies depending on where in the light spectrum they fall. Since all of them fall outside of the visual spectrum of colors, we can not observe them unless we have instruments capable of detecting them for us.
Since we have created these instruments we have been able to measure all of the light and radiation coming from planets and stars all around us. These sources of light and radiation are not a part of our audio range either, just how our visual range is very narrow compared to the entirety of the scale, our audio range is also very narrow compared to the scale. Apparently NASA was able to take all of this energy we are receiving from the universe, and was able to transfer it into sounds that we could actually hear. When you listen to the sounds that are created you can almost imagine how the planets are actually communicating with each other through these waves of light.
Since waves of information from light can be converted to waves of energy that we can hear, it is no wonder that it's easy to see how everything in our material world is just vibrations. Science tells us that all matter is created from atoms, and that atoms are made of electrons, neutrons and protons. These atoms are constantly in motion and that motion creates a field of energy around that atom. That energy is just a vibrational field that we can now touch or taste in the physical world.
All energy fields are just vibrations, our electricity that we use in our houses every day are just a type of vibration. What happens when you get electrocuted? You feel a vibration surging through your entire body. A power line can be heard humming over head as it is sending all of the power through it to a distant location. That humming is a vibration and is one of the reasons that our power lines need boosting stations, because some of the energy is lost in transition due to heat and the sound vibrations being lost while in transit.
Scientists have been working in laboratories with sound waves to see what they are capable of doing. They have found that different sound frequencies will make snowflake like shapes when they put sand onto a plate, and place it on top of the speaker. When the frequency is increased the sand will change it's pattern, and the pattern will become more complex. They have also found that they can get objects to levitate using certain frequencies. So far they are only able to levitate small objects but it looks promising that they may be able to levitate ever increasingly larger objects. This proves that sound is still a mystery to us and possibly an under utilized resource, but as we keep studying who knows what avenues sound could open up for us.
I recently was reading that scientists have a new theory on how neurons might actually be working. I wrote earlier in another section that neurons send an electrical impulse after they have received the chemical message from another neuron. Scientists are thinking that the process of the neuron sending that electrical impulse should create a measurable amount of heat. Just how the electricity that is sent through the power lines lose power due to this excess heat. Since they haven't been able to detect any excess heat above the bodies existing temperature, they are now hypothesising that the neurons are actually using sound to transport the signal through the neuron. I am not sure how accurate this information is but I definitely will look into it more.
Sound and light seem to have a lot of similarities even though they are so different, so as we dive deeper into the studies of how light and sound are connected, maybe it will open up a whole new world of understanding for us. I personally hope that it is sooner then later, but only time will tell.
In the third verse of Genesis 1 God said, "let there be light". If God can speak the earth and all life into existence, does that mean word vibrations have power? Can we use the power of sound vibrations to influence the matter around us? Well according to Dr.Masaru Emoto words do carry vibrations, whether written or spoken they can influence water. Is that just one of waters new special abilities or does this tell us more about how the world works? If water's energy is affected by words so drastically, then what changes can occur to it's structure because of it's environment? Does water release those energies to the things that drink that water?
Dr.Emoto wrote in his books how he took water from different lakes, rivers and dams, then froze the water to see what its crystallization looked like. He noticed that water taken from more remote areas would freeze into a snowflake like substance, while the water taken from water sources closer to civilization or that were polluted would crystallize into a less complex shape, or wouldn't even crystallize at all. He then wondered what else might affect water, so he started to tape words to the waters containers. He also played music to water while it was freezing, and would feed certain water to seeds over a given amount of time and see how the plants grew.
After all of his studies he started seeing a pattern, and noticed that words that we would associate as being more positive would reveal a more complex snowflake pattern. The same thing was happening with the energy from the music he was playing, and music that we associate as bad created less complex patterns, and in some cases wouldn't even crystallize. He also noticed that the plant's that were fed the water with the more positive energies grew better, while some of the negative water didn't even germinate the seed enough for it to start growing.
On the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" they showcased some of Dr.Emoto's photos that he took of the different crystallizations. Once you see the pictures it is hard to deny that water does have a memory and that it is affected by its environment in very significant ways. It also shows that water does take that energy into the organism that ingests it and leaves those trace energies in that host. After all when you drink that water it is broken down by your body, at which point the body uses it to replenish its lost resources. That would also mean that the water you are urinating is taking on your energies before it is passed through you. In essence water is giving you all of its essence to help sustain your life, then it's taking your energies back before it leaves. Sounds like the perfect cycle of energy to me.
This is why spiritual teachers throughout time have blessed their food and water before consuming it. Most of the foods we eat contain a large amount of water that's also mixed with the foods vitamins and nutrients. This means that all the foods we eat would also have a memory of where they came from, and would also release that energy that they absorbed into us after we consume them. Is this one of the reasons why it seems to be so easy to get sick these days? Are our foods and water overly processed so they are passing bad energies on to us?
Dr.Emoto also did studies on the effects of prayer with water, he had different religious groups and meditators pray over water that was polluted to see what kinds of effects the prayers would have on the waters energy. He found out that just as words carry energy, praying can significantly change the water if the prayer is done effectively. He says that even if it's not done with a large amount of positive feelings that it still has a slight positive effect on the water. So basically doing something is better then doing nothing, and the more you do it, the better you will get at it.
In my mind all of this leads to only one conclusion, that our thoughts and feelings are more real in this world then anything that we can physically touch. I know to some that may seem like a far stretch but I have been studying all of this for decades, and I am not the only one that has come to this conclusion. After all Jesus did say in the Bible, "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14 verse 11:12, but don't just take my word for it.
Not only can water refract light in different ways depending on its shape but water itself is affected by light. As we know sunlights heating effects will make water turn into vapor which is how clouds and rain occur. It also
When water is agitated by either falling off of a cliff such as a waterfall, or is flowing such as the waves on the ocean or the flowing of a stream or river. Water creates particles that we now know of called ions, the more the water is stirred or splashed the more negative ions the water creates. Scientific studies are now telling us that negative ions might actually be essential to human beings and their mental well being.
In the environments that we currently live and work in we dont have very many negative ions and in most cases these areas end up becoming very dry areas that are filled with electrical currents of many different frequencies that our bodies werent exposed to when we lived outside of our current cities.
Science is learning more and more everyday about human health and how antioxidants and free radicals work in our bodies. Free radicals are created when our bodies digest our foods so that our body is able to use the nutrients in that food efficiently. A free radical is an particle that is missing an electron and antioxidants are particles that have an extra electron that they are willing to give. The reason these free radicals are harmful is since they are negatively charged and want an electron if they run into a particle that has a weak electron bond the free radical will steal the electron from it ruining its ability to work properly.
If it instead runs into an antioxidant the it will take the particle from it and the antioxidant is still able to be of use in our body as it didnt need that particle. That free radical now is stable and will no longer look for a place to get the electron. This is why the more antioxidants you have in you body the better off you are because the more likely you are to have stable particles in your body that cant be negatively effected by free radicals.
This is why taking the proper vitamins is important and why it is important to take them in proper quantities. Taking them throughout the date intermittently, is better then taking them all at once because this provides a steady flow of antioxidants all day rather then just a large amount in one sitting.
The Keto diet is vastly becoming a way of life rather then just another fad diet. Gluten intolerance and celiac disease is becoming a greater problem every year, because of this less people are unable to enjoy grains by no choice of their own. Since everyone is promoting grains for nutrition what is one to do once grains are no longer an option?
After years of over eating all types of foods and constantly having heart burn almost everyday, I had to finally be put on heart burn medication to control the heart burn. It was damaging my throat and causing me to not sleep properly during the nights. After members of my family went gluten free I figured maybe I have a gluten intolerance problem as well. So I cut out the grains and when I finally finished my 3 month supply of the heart burn medication I no longer got heart burn. I have been almost completely heart burn free since then.
I have found that despite the fact that everyone is still touting grains as a healthy food choice, that because of all the hybridization and genetically modifying of our grains has been what is leading us down this path. I would agree that some grains have there place in a healthy diet but not near as much as everyone would have you think. I also don't believe eating gluten free bread and pastas in place of your grains is a good idea either. All the benefits that we get health wise from grains can be achieved better through the consumption of other vegetables and meats.
I started out reading about the Paleo diet as everyone was touting the great benefits of going back to the way of eating that our ancient ancestors had. It made perfect sense because if that was a sustainable way of life for them for thousands of years then why is it not good for us now? After reading I started to think about better ways of eating and wondering what the best option could be for us today. That lead me into reading the book Wheat Belly, which also opened my mind up to the way that grains actually affect our bodies.
That lead me into reading about intermittent fasting because our ancient ancestors weren't able to eat all the time because they had to find food to eat everyday. So they unwillingly fasted during times where food wasn't abundant to times where they found food they could actually eat. So our bodies have adapted for thousands of years to be what they are today, which means the benefits of fasting haven't just left us over night. Just how our bodies adapted to fasting they also adapted over time to eat meat. In times when plants weren't bearing fruit humans needed to eat something, so we went hunting to help us live through those tough times.
Our brain is enclosed in our skulls by protective membranes, the skull wall, spinal fluid and all sorts of other muscles and tissues. This is all there to provide protection for a healthy and safe brain, but does it limit our brain function by adding a slight pressure onto the brain that restricts the blood flow? It is believed that because our skulls aren't fused at birth that we would all be better off if the skull never completely fused together. People believe young children's brains function better because of how fast they are able to learn and how perceptive they seem to be up until the age when the skull bone starts to fuse together.
Trepanation is now known as a craniotomy, these procedures are usually used as an emergency procedure to relieve pressure on the brain when someone has received a blow to the head or has a pressure building in the head from a tumor or blood clot. Trepanations have been done by humans for thousands of years, they have found skulls where holes have been dug or cut into them. You can tell that these people survived this procedure because the hole will start to heal and the edges of this hole become thinned out and less straight over time. It is still unknown to science as to how ancient peoples figured out this procedure and why they practiced it.
It seems that besides relieving built up pressures in the head that can cause headaches and migraines, these procedures may have had a more spiritual reason behind their creation. Does having a hole in your skull allow the blood to flow through an uninjured brain better? Does a hole in the skull allow the lymphatic system to flow more freely? Is there other ways to get better blood flow to your brain and lymphatic system?
Our lymphatic system is a system of vessels similar to our blood vessels that go throughout our entire body, these vessels are connected to our lymph glands. This system also called the lymph is responsible for distributing the lymph fluid throughout our body, which is responsible for distributing fat and fat soluble vitamins to our muscles and organs. Sometimes this fluid becomes infested with bacteria that can cause your glands to swell and become infected. The lymph system does not have a way to pulsate the lymph fluid through your body on its own, this requires you to move to get the fluid pumping. This is one of the reasons that we promote exercising or stretching everyday, so that you get these fluids moving around the body so the fats don't become rancid.
Other ways to get the lymph system moving and to increase the blood flow to your brain is by deep breathing exercises. These breathing exercises create extra pressure in different parts of the body and help to push out stuck and clogged material through your blood and lymph systems. It is also believed that if you push the pressure during your deep breathing to your brain that it not only increases the blood to the brain but will also force your skull to slightly separate along the seams, this in turn temporarily acts like trepanation. This effect of course would be temporary, but by doing this consistently, could you permanently produce small fractures along the seams of the skull to produce longer lasting effects?
Even though your skull has grown together, the weakest points in the skull would be the areas that were separated and grew together over time. When pushing extra pressure into your head actually cause those seams to separate? Well Dr. Joe Dispenza sure seems to think so, and I have linked a video of his in the description picture. I have also linked a video from Wim Hof and his deep breathing exercise that has helped him to get world records in numerous cold weather feats. His video is linked to the picture in this section.
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